söndag 5 oktober 2014

Jättesen kongressrapport 3: Better Worldbuilding Through Poetry

Ungefär lika försenat som mina utlovade inlägg med londontips: Några glimtar från paneler och föredrag på LonCon3, 2014 års Worldcon.

Better Worldbuilding Through Poetry
med Jenny Blackford, Amal El-Mohtar, Greer Gilman, Neil Williamson, Catherynne M. Valente

GG: All of my books are secretly in blank verse.

Skrev inte upp vem som sade:
"The difference between poetry and prose is the difference between singing and speaking."
"There are too few competing schools of poetry in fantasy worlds."
Om poesi: "The music of estrangement." "An enchanted space, if good, heightens, raises the energy, a powered space." "Density of attention."
"English is iambic, French is alexandrines."

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